Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Hot In Here

Actually it was Hot Out Here, on Sunday. 

I participated in the Biggest Loser 10k walk with two of my girlfriends Sunday morning and man was it H-O-T.  Overall the walk was disappointing (took place on a parking lot, not a lot of water stations, etc), but we did it.  We thought about stopping when we got to the 5k point due to the heat and boring layout of the race, but we continued on.  And I gained two more blisters (both next to the balls of my feet).  I'm seriously glad that I am allowed to wear flip flops to work, or I'd be in trouble.  I sent a note to the shoe store where I bought my shoes from - I feel like if I paid $150 for shoes and wore the synthetic socks, I should not be getting blisters from a 10K.

I took a walk last night.  Again it was hot.  Guess I should expect this since it is July.  Luckily I enjoy being outside, even if it is hot.  Blisters didn't hurt super bad, so I did 3 miles.

Tonight is softball with a new team.  Only know one person on the team, so hopefully they are a fun group.  :)

In regard to weight loss, I've officially stayed below the 10 pound mark all week!  Next goal will be 15, which hopefully I will get to soon.  I went to the grocery store over the weekend and bought a bunch of healthy foods and premade a lot of things so it would be easier during the week.  I have to say I'm excited about my lunch today - a bunch of raw veggies with hummus and fat free ranch dip.  Does anyone else have a love/hate relationship with food like me?  I love food, but hate cooking.  I don't like eating the same thing over and over again, which is a hard challenge when you live alone since you often have left overs.

1 comment:

  1. good luck with the new team! but seriously, that is NOT a lunch.
