Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Well, sort of.  As I teased yesterday, something big happened last week - I officially lost my first 10 lbs!  However, I weighed myself this morning and I was back up a half a pound.  BOOO!!!!  But I'm very close, so I'm going to do a little victory dance!

I was an exercise machine last week.  I started out last Saturday on the high from accomplishing my last C25K day.  I decided to keep going.  Well, it was hot as hell last Saturday and smart me decided to run at 4pm.  Needless to say I lost a few pounds in water weight from sweating, but ended up walking more than running.  I was kinda pissed, so I tried again on Sunday.  Headed out a little later in the day, but to the same avail.  Sweat my ass off, but it was too hot to run.  I still wanted to do some sort of activity, so I focused on just walking this past week.  I am going to be walking 47 miles here in a few days, so why not?  There is a great hilly trail (4 Mile Run) that runs parallel to the W&OD right near my house, so I have walked that every day (with the exception of Friday, Saturday and last night).  It's a about 3.5 miles with a few really good hills and if I book it walking, I can do it in under an hour.  I'm gonna do it again tonight.  Taking tomorrow off and then...

It's AT hiking, baby!  My friend, Dave, and I are heading out Weds after work.  Gonna start the hike Thursday morning in the best state ever (WV!), walk through this state called Maryland (way less cool than WV) and end up in another cool state of PA.  The way we have it mapped out it should be about 47ish miles of hiking.  I put together my pack last night and I'm pretty sure I'm going to capsize at some point in the trip.  Yes, imagine me on my back like a turtle who can't turn over...  I'm pretty sure the pack is more than half my size.  Guess that probably means I should downsize a little.  :)

I'm going to weigh myself before and after the hike to see if I've lost any weight.  Our main source of food is going to be MRE's (freeze dried food) and various snacks (nutrition bars, nuts, etc).  Weather is looking to be pretty good, so I'm sure I'll be sweating out any water I drink.  I'm excited and nervous - it's a pretty big challenge for me.  But if i can do it, it's because of the work I've done up until this point and the support I've gotten from everyone along the way.


  1. Can't wait to take photos and somehow post them on to this blog of you turtled from falling backwards on your pack. I might not flip you after that Maryland comment.

    In all seriousness, it's awesome you hit this first ten, I'm sure you'll be down a few after this hike. It's going to be a lot of fun and I cannot wait til tomorrow!

  2. Great job on the walking! Enjoy the hike - it sounds fun!

  3. I can't wait to hear about your trip!
