Monday, May 6, 2013

Challenges and Discoveries

One week in...

And as the title of this weeks blog says, there I've had some challenges and discoveries this week.

Challenge - my aging body.  As my 35th birthday is creeping up, I realize that my body is not the same body it use to be.  I'm sure that has a lot to do with my weight.  Trying to work out and what not is harder because I'm carrying more weight than ever.

But of course as it happens, my body decides to fail me the week I decide to start working out.  My back had been hurting for the last few weeks off and on.  It was feeling a little better on Monday, so I decided to try a Body Combat class that I'd wanted to try.  Man, the class was awesome, but about 15 minutes in I was in agony.  My left leg was going numb and my back was killing me.  So, I left the class (I'll go back again though - it was awesome!).  A trip to the spine doctor on Weds and a potential diagnosis of a bulging disc in my back and an MRI on Thursday.  Will find out in a week what's really going on.  Things are feeling a little better today.

Discoveries - My new favorite "toy" is the FitBit (  It's basically a pedometer on crack.  It kind of makes me want to work out.  And for those who know me, that's a shocker.  The FitBit not only keeps track of your steps, it tracks calories burned, floors climbed, gives you statistics about how active you were during the day and shows you how efficient your sleep is.  Oh!  And you can "compete" against friends.  As I look at my "friends" on there right now, I feel like I should start walking around the room b/c there is only 500 steps between me and the person in first place...

Another discovery is that I SUCK at tracking my food on - even with having the app on my phone.  Luckily I have a good idea on how many points things are, so I just keep track mentally.

The most shocking discovery to me is that I'm learning how to run.  Thanks to the Couch to 5K app.  The picture below has always been my philosophy to running...  But I have now completed the first two days of the program.  Granted I'm only running for 30 seconds at a time, but that's good for me.

I done pretty well on eating.  I went to Trader Joe's and stocked up on some healthy foods - chicken, salad stuff, and healthy snacks.  I'm still allowing myself some junk foods - a Diet Dr. Pepper a day, a beer here or there and, of course, chocolate.  And... DRUM ROLL, please... after one week, I've lost 2 pounds!


  1. Sorry to hear about your back problems! I definitely know how that goes. There's nothing more frustrating than finally deciding to start ramping up your exercise program and getting sidelined by injury. I've heard tons of great things about the FitBit; I may have to look into one. Best of luck! - Danielle

  2. Where are you working out, Allyson? I love Combat at Golds, but remember those first couple times were KILLER. If you keep with it, you'll be laughing at how hard you initially thought it was. Promise!

    Once you get a little further along with C25K, I'll run with you! I'm horrible at it, but I need motivation to run as well. :)

  3. Great work so far! Just don't push your body too hard to fast or you may injure yourself in the process. Hope your back feels better!

  4. great work, Allyson!! keep it up! :)
