Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Results, Part 1 - Pain in the back

Annoyingly this is going to be part 1 of 3.  I had my follow up appointment with the spine/pain doctor this morning.  He reviewed my back MRI and the x-rays of my knee.

Diagnosis:  bulging disc in the L5 vertebrae in my back and an order for an MRI of my knee.

So knowing that it's my L5 means that could be part of the problem with the sides of my calves hurting when I run/walk.  Apparently it's connected somehow.  I'm still going to get the foot/run/etc testing done (probably on Sunday).  Right now, since my back isn't really bothering me, I'm not going to do anything other than take pain meds as needed.  If it flairs up like before, then we may have to do injections (oh how I love needles)... 

And yes, I suck.  Skipped out on spin class this morning.  BUT I plan to go tonight instead.

1 comment:

  1. you better go! no excuses after that melting pot picture!! >:(
